Friday, March 8, 2013

Latest and Greatest . . .

Hello Beautiful World! I have been gone for a little while. Life is wonderfully busy for us. I am full of profound gratitude for all the gifts that the All Mother shines upon me.

Latest and greatest:

We got snow!!! Snow covered the ground for a few days in February!



My son is graduating from High School in just a few short months. This will be two out of four of my children that will have graduated. What a journey it has been!!!

My last two, my youngest daughters, are being homeschooled/unschooled and loving it! It is such a joy to see them blossom and grow in their areas of interest. I feel so happy that we took the plunge and removed ourselves from the public school system. I have seen such a difference in their confidence levels! I would love to report that every day is full of sunshine and rainbows, but that hasn’t been so. They have their days of clouds and grey skies. But when these days so show . . . there is a warm blanket of nurturing that they can cuddle into and fill their spaces with.

It is a continuous process of unlearning that has been going on for us. We had ups and downs with this process. There is a lot to “root” out! Yes, Mama can be a little bit of a control freak (Oh! I exposed myself to the whole wide world!!!!)! I see this education as a sacred partnership. My children are teaching me so much. I see so much in them . . . I am so excited for their futures.

After several years of saying that I am “new” to Oklahoma, I am starting to finally feel like home here! It has been such a HUGE shift for me because I swear, this California girl would have NEVER thought Oklahoma would even be an option of places to live . . . the Universe has an amazing sense of humor!!! But here I am . . . living and thriving in Oklahoma and not a beach in site! And I am finally “O.K.” with that. It only took my four years to say this!!! hee-hee!!!  So here goes: I am really happy to be in Oklahoma!!!!

And guess what??? I have been experiencing some very interesting connections. Elementals . . . Yes!!!! Tree Spirits . . . YES!!! I am learning SOOOOO much in my magickal home here surrounded with (get this . . .) 13 trees!!! This land is very magickal. I sit here on the second level of my home, at my desk that over looks a huge pond and lotsa trees. I can just sit here for hours and marvel at this magickal world that Goddess has blessed us with. Soooo incredible . . . soooo amazing! Did I mention how profoundly grateful I am?



I share this amazing energy with you. I send love to you from all the woodsy elementals and magickal creatures that I am graced with being friends with. Deep magicks are happening people . . . lots of earthy, deeply held, sacred magicks are started to well-up and spring forth.

Shifting is happening so fast that what you believed one day can totally change in the next! My motto: don’t be attached to any one thing because it’s bound to change!

New videos are on the horizon (as soon as I decide to brush my hair! LOL!!!!)! Until then, know that you are blessed, treasured and LOVED!!!

In deep joy and appreciation,


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