Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mother calls me . . .

Energies of transition abound around me! So much calls my attention as I am entering a new sphere of consciousness in my life.

Ever have the feeling or remembrance of something within you that feels ancient? Of a time long past of eons ago? This feeling . . . this call . . . even a feeling of urgency to me to remember has been a constant this year. I have embraced more of my ancestral roots . . . my Pagan/Witchie/Goddess path. I feel like I am on the brink of something so new and yet so ancient. This unfolding is such a spiral dance . . . showing up to me in various ways of change and inner-work.

I have embraced my calling as High Priestess to the Mother of One. She is ALL. She has called me forth from the very beginning. Her stirring me has patiently guided me through ego work, shadow work and spiritual framework that I never thought possible. Words cannot describe the process. I describe it only as dying over and over again only to be reborn from Her into more of a truer Self.

I had such a great fear of holding such a frequency. Many past lives came up for me in which persecution was always the basis for my current incarnation of not wanting to embrace the path that I am now on. Wanting to embrace or not, the Mother always shows the way. We can hold our tantrums and deny our path all we want, but when the time comes . . . it is the only way we can go (even if we take the LONG way!).

So what now? Ever transitioning . . . expanding and seeing the gift in every momentous shift! Mother of One has me enfolded in Her sacred breasts of love and care. Although I may feel so vulnerable at times . . . naked and bare . . . I know that the sacred cloak of Priestess enshrouds me.

I walk the path of the sacred priestesses and hear their holy voices . . . ever chanting . . . ever singing . . . ever praising the names of the sacred Divine Mother . . . The Mother of One.

And I am truly blessed!!

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