Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Season of Thanks . . .

After being heart broken over the true facts about Thanksgiving here in America . . . how the Pilgrims weren’t the sweet friends to the American Indians a portrayed in the many school plays I was in as a kid in Elementary (I was an acorn), I decided to NOT celebrate Thanksgiving in the way the nation celebrates it.

We still do Turkey Day, but over the years we have instilled a day to gather, speak of our many blessings, abundance and what we are thankful for. Last year, our family donated time to the homeless shelter so that our children could see up close and in person how so many do not live in the circumstances that they do. It was an eye opener and that year, I felt more resolved than ever to give in a way that I could and always express my gratitude.

This year, the shelter had all the volunteers it needed. But our opportunities don’t stop there. We are looking for other ways to serve. But the great thing that we have shifted to is that we don’t have to wait until the holiday season to give back. We can do it always. And always, we can have an “attitude of gratitude”.

We have also decided to NOT participate in any Black Fridays. We are more resolved to the idea that people need time with their families and loved ones. No judgment on those who participate, but we choose not to.

So with this day of Thanks, I say thank you to all who touch my life, all that I have an association with . . . the many people I learn from each and every day. I am thankful for the awakening I have undergone that refuses to let me sleep in the most inconvenient of times when choosing to “ignore” would be so much easier. I am thankful to with each day, I embrace more and more of who I am and UNCOVER even deeper aspects of that understanding!!

Thank YOU for reading this and taking the time to read my thoughts and share my journey. I am deeply thankful for you.

May the blessings always outweigh your challenges and may you be thankful for your challenges knowing that they can be your greatest of teachers if you allow them to be!

Happy Day of Thankfulness!!! Love, Love, LOVE!

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