Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sacred Samhain!

Here we go! Samhain is almost here! I love this time of year. It is a time of great inner workings, connecting with our ancestors and deep reflection towards the inner journings that we are ready to undertake.

Like the Goddess Persephone, we are ready to enter the Underworld where the deep recesses of shadow work await. It’s also a time to come face to face with the powers that we may have pushed aside and have feared to acknowledge about ourselves.

Time to embrace the shadow . . . ready or not. I have learned whether I want it or not, the work comes. It must. This is what my current incarnation is all about. We are all here to work out the unfinished business from previous incarnations that we have left undone. This is the great prophesied work!

We all stand at the very gates of the underworld. It’s time to come face to face with all that we are resisting and fear. We can either face it fully present or run and allow our power to be striped of us and STILL go through the experience. Face it, turn your back to it . . . it’s still going to happen. You might as well see what you are going to be working with.

But there is something more to our entering this underworld. . . with pure hearts and intentions, the greatest of transformations can occur. We can put aside our fears and delve much deeper into who we really are. It is a time of mastery . . . We have the ability to come forth unscathed and renewed in such a way that only the underworld’s fire can give us.

This Samhain is time for my sacred journey. I have my heart open to allow the energies that are manifesting in me to flourish. All this year I have been working towards this time. Pinnacle and monumental, we are all undergoing such tasks of transformation. They are ours to go through.

May we be blessed by the ancestors as we journey and may The Great Mother ever keep us in Her care as we journey into the unknown . . . only to be born again.



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