Thursday, October 6, 2011

Times of Change

These are tremendous times of change. Everything is moving. Our paradigms are shifting at such a rate that philosophies and things we once thought as true are lessening in resonance.

I think that this is exciting although it can be a little frustrating at times. What I am being reminded to do is ride the energies! Don’t get too attached to something because right before your very eyes, it can transmute and change into something entirely different!

There are no absolutes in life. Especially the space and dimension that we are moving into. We are almost there. Seeds of intentions are now being planted into this rich, earthy soil!

Don’t be afraid to recreate yourself. What once rang true for you may not anymore. And that is OKAY! In fact, it’s more than okay! It’s the way life should be!

Go ahead and change that hair color. Start that art class you’ve been putting off! Throw out/donate those set of dishes you once loved! Let go of those shoes you once HAD to have! Donate those books you never read or never really plan on reading! Let go of the décor in your space that no longer reflects your taste!

The physical plane changes always. In order to allow our energy to flow, we must change with it!

Here’s to joyous changes to come!!!

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