Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Am Starting Anew

So what does that mean that I am starting anew?

Well, the way I see it, I am 38 years old. I have learned, experienced and witnessed many things in my life up to this point. I am infinitely blessed to take a look around me at four people that my husband and I have brought into this world.

I have often reflected on past events in my life. Sitting and contemplating . . . there are some things in my life that I feel need renewal and some things that are ready to be fully released.

I have thought long and hard and while I may not have all the answers to some of the questions that I have, I know that I am on the verge of discovery. Every moment is an opportunity to uncover something more about myself. The hidden aspects of who I am are coming to the surface faster than ever! And while some of that scares the holy crap out of me . . . it is also so very refreshing.

What does that mean for me????!!!

Heaven will only tell as this journey unfolds to me. You know, the more I learn, the less I feel I know. I feel that we are all just pretending. We are pretending to be in kindergarten . . . sort of roaming around . . . looking for something and yet . . . we are all really masters.

We are MASTERS!!!

We have forgotten this. And though we may hear it, somehow it just doesn’t “stick”.

Why is that? Why are we choosing to sit and pretend?

I often ask myself this question . . .

I am starting anew. What that means is that I will be affirming more times to myself that as I grow in awareness . . . as I grow in understanding all that does not “serve” can just fall away. Not complications . . . just an easy “fall away”.

So here is what I am going to be doing . . . first of all, I will be homeschooling three out of four of my children!!!! AGHHHHH!!!!! I know . . .

But it is time to “unschool” these kiddos of mine. My oldest is almost ready to graduate so she will continue with "the brick and mortar" much to her disappointment.

I am nervous, excited and know that there is much more to this than I can readily see right now. There is much,much more. These kiddos of mine are masters as well and as I sat discussing the “pros and cons” of this new venture of ours, THEY were the ones who are tired of the “system”. They have been wanting to do this for some time now. Boy do they teach me.

We will be “unlearning” together. What a process!!!

It is funny that I was directed to take February off from One Ascension. Now I know why. It will be time consuming to get them started. I want to be 100% for both sides so this is perfect!!

As we release our death-grip on what we “think” is the right way, remember that the Divine may have something else in mind.


  1. Fabulous! I'm so excited for you and your kids new adventure :)

    I think it's awesome that they want this as well. And it's probably good you've taken alittle time off from work. Hoping everything works out!

  2. Wonderful!
    We decided to let my son do Kindergarden in public school and then from 1st grade on I will home school him.
    It gives me more time to prepare.
    Your Kids are so blessed and its a wonderful journey that I am sure you will have guidance through.
    One of the big reasons we decided on homeschooling is my son is adopted, he is of African American decent, right now he sees no difference between us and him, because there is no difference, he is our son, we are his mommy and daddy, and we know that once he gets into the school system this "difference" will be pointed out to him.
    I believe he will also be able to be free to practice our Spiritual belief with out judgement of teachers and his peers.
    I know some people may think I am in Lala land by thinking home scooling will make that much of a difference, But I know it will because it feels right.
    Kudos to Melanie for not thinking its too late to school your children and how wonderful that they are so ready for it.
    Please keep a blog diary on your homeschooling, I think it would be fabulous to read.

  3. Wonderful post Melanie!!!! I KNOW if I had children I would make the same choice myself! Keep us posted on the progress. I would loooooove to see from your perspective the challenges and successes of homeschooling!

  4. Thank you for all of your comments!! How I love you all and thank you for your support!

    I did forget to mention that they will be attending a "Virtual Academy". So even though "technically" they will be at home, they will be still enrolled in a "virtual school". In this way, the curriculum is paid for but they will also have lessons with me such a creating a garden, etc.

  5. Exciting Melanie! it takes currage to make hard decisions. Congradualtions for chosing to do the right thing for your family!

  6. Oh wow!!! You have a busy but very rewarding future ahead of you :) All of you :) You know, myself and some of my friends have been discussing how we all feel its a time for a new start, not just because we are relatively still in the infancy of 2011. I think this is going to be a fantastic year of learning for everyone :) Blessings and love beautiful Goddess sister xxx
