Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Disneyland, USA . . . NO MORE!!

So here I was last night . . . catching up with videos on YouTube that I have been wanting to watch. There was a series (two part) by 1Moon Mother called “Spray Day”. I decided to watch it. I was then taken on a journey that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning and I am still on it today.
I even did a video called Let's WAKE UP!!! I felt so angry . . . So violated . . . I felt and feel angry for ALL of us!! I know that this has been going on for awhile. I even have to admit that I would turn that “blind eye” at times thinking, “What am I to do? I’m just a mom with four small kids (at the time)?”


I also must admit that I don’t follow politics as closely as I should. I have a life right . . . don’t we all? Well, I realized that with this way of thinking, this “blind eye” has done nothing but perpetuate this anger/rage inside of me.

I have a duty just like every American to preserve my country that I chose to incarnate to. But MORE than that, I have a duty to my fellow Sisters and Brothers of Mother Earth!!!

I told my husband last night . . . it is time for us to pack our bags once and for all and move the hell OUT of Disneyland Main St., USA!!!!
You know . . . The place where all is Happy, Happy and a huge Mouse who walks around with a forever, infinite smile waves and makes you feel like you never want to leave. (okay really, I love Disneyland. It was my favorite memory growing up and even where I went on my honeymoon- can we say “foreshadow”?!! SCARY!!)

We gotta WAKE UP!!! Get off the frickin’ tea ride!! We have to take a huge look around and see . . . yes, things are going to get better . . . when we choose for them to get better.

So how do we do this? It starts with becoming aware and choosing to see the World for what it really is . . . Our shared home  . . . Our Mother!!

So what can I/you/WE do? Make a video . . . start a blog . . . post videos on your Facebook about issues we need to become aware of . . . support movements that resonate with you . . . educate yourself on what is really going on.

Then, ask yourself, “What would love do?” and proceed from there. Whenever you feel like going into fear, visualize the World that we are ready to create . . . a World where all have access to living their life in joy, health, love and freedom.

It starts with us my friends. I am giving my keys BACK to Disneyland . . . I may want to visit for a day, but I am no longer living there!!

Let’s stand together.

I love you!!!


  1. I too have ignored politics and news, but only because I truly believe that we are fed lies. the politicians only serve themselves and those that do truly want to make a difference, I fear, are done away with or become disheartened when they see they can not do as they intended because of the forces that control our Country as well as the other countries of our world.
    Our eyes have been closed while we have been manipulated to point fingers at each other, (its the Democrats, No its the Republicans)and not utilize the powers with in ourselves, because we have been told we have no power, the power is outside of us, we have felt helpless or left it in "Gods hands".
    As we get closer to 2012, it seems that more people are waking up. We are becoming more aware of the harm that is purposefully being done to our mother earth and finding out it is our Governments that are doing it. I feel that it is now working against them as we are rediscovering the power with in ourselves and the power of love, the power it has to heal our Mother Earth.
    So my sister don't get angry, as hard as it may be we have to forgive them for what they are doing and then proceed to heal with a collective love.
    And when we shine that light of love into their darkness a wonderful thing will begin to happen.

  2. Yes. What would LOVE do? That is what I have been asking myself as I have allowed myself to feel this anger so that I am release it all and heal as well as forgive myself for my part in all of it. Thank you beautiful sister for the gift of love and hope you have shown! I love you!!

  3. Yes Sister I completely agree with you and this is part of the Ascension process so know that. I to am awakening and having a desire like no other to protect and heal my mother, our mother and all her children. We stand together in truth and love and respect for Gaia, she gives us life, she sustains us, and she nutures us.
    Love and Light

  4. Thank you Cora! Yes sister, our Mother needs us. Let's send love to Her constantly and awaken those who need it! Love you!
