Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard in Oklahoma on Imbolc-Feb 1, 2011

I am sitting comfy in my bed as I write this blog. I am looking out my bedroom glass doors at a blizzard outside as well. They say that this storm is going to hit record highs. Wow.

We are excited for this storm as we (meaning my kiddos and I) felt jipped that we didn’t get our snow for Yule/Christmas last year. We kept asking Goddess for snow. Well, here it is . . . and a LOT of it! It’s a snow day for everyone including My Patrick. We have a roaring fire, warm soup on the stove and cookies ready to go into the oven soon. It’s really a perfect day!!

We also have our Imbolc altar to the Divine Mother going. We did 9 candles in all to represent the sacred number 9. It also means the ending of a cycle as in numerology our lives are represented by 9 year cycles. Very awesome . . .

So I have some news. Here we all were on the bandwagon to do virtual academy for three of my kiddos. Well, it didn’t pan out. As it would seem the funding for education here in Oklahoma greatly differs than the funding in Arizona (where we did this sort of thing before). My son, who is in high school. is taking AP classes and they do not offer an equivalent to that. Plus, as it would seem, my daughters would also be lacking in there courses. So I was facing the decision of pulling them out of school and starting them on what seems something “lesser”. I felt a lot of red flags coming up and so we discussed it long and hard. In the end I had to make an executive decision and say “not now”. 

That’s just it, the not now doesn’t mean “forever”. It just means “not now”. I have been learning that a lot in my life lately. I feel the energy of things and take momentum forward only to be told that very same thing. There really is a reason. Although it may not always be directly in front of us what that reason is, Divine Mother knows. She always does . . .

I have decided to keep my eyes and ears open and start paying really close attention to all that I am seeing going on. There is something up. I feel it. It is huge. It is in my dreams. There is something coming. What is it?! We will see soon enough I believe. The thing that I am intending is “discernment”. To discern between “truth and error”. . . that is my intention. I choose to see the truth now. There is no other way about it.

I thought about looking into complete homeschooling. It made me nervous. Talk about wonderful work that comes up for me when I have others relying on me to make choices for their highest good.

Yes, there is always work to do on the Beloved Self . . . but for today, I will sit in bed with my laptop . . . and enjoy the blizzard!!

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