Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!!

Here we are . . . another opportunity to learn and grow in another blessed year on Planet Gaia.

I just got through with my newsletter for One Ascension (I know . . . cutting it a bit close!) and feel very excited as I sat with the feelings and energies that are awaiting us.

I was thinking about transformation and how the most profound and powerful transformations are not ones that are physical, but are spiritual . . . at least for me anyway.

I have noticed that it is in the spiritual “awakenings” that I create tremendous change. How powerful is that to the adage “We are spiritual beings having a physical experience”? Very!

So I haven’t made my New Year Resolutions yet. In fact, I don’t really make a list. Patrick (beloved husband) insists that I make some this year. So I have been sitting with this idea. Wondering what I am going to write down . . . what means a lot to me and is worth focusing on?

I have a list for sure. But what do I want to create more of in my life? What am I ready to create? I notice that when I think about certain things I feel a little tugging of resistance . . . oh great . . . more energetic blocks to clear? Or is it something that I should even been doing in the first place? I have some questions. Why do we make resolutions?

I understand the whole measuring goals . . . the belief of “writing it down” . . . making yourself “accountable”. . . “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”, etc. But why make a resolution? Why “resolve” to anything? Why not follow where your heart leads? Why not listen to the inspired action that is calling you verses a list?

These are the questions that I have been asking myself. Do I want to conform to a list of things I resolve to accomplish? Or do I want to live a life centered in feeling/living in my heart? And what does that really look/feel like on a full-time basis?

These questions I answer as I go throughout the day. It’s not about “achieving” one’s “goals” but about journeying in life towards something much bigger than a goal. I do understand that goals allow us measured success or failure and therefore we can create a path of more focuses intention. But who’s to say that those “failures” were really failures to begin with? And what about success? Was it really a success? What is a success and how is it measured? By the feeling you get when you accomplish it? To me . . . that sounds like something you do when you follow your heart.

So when Mr. Wallace comes home today, I will have a list, but it’s going to be a list of feelings I am ready to create in my life for 2011!!

Happy New Year to you and it may it be a year of infinite joy, blessings and love!!

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