Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Solstice and The Gateway

It is the day after Winter Solstice 2010 and what a fabulous day/night it was! I was able to stay up and watch the lunar eclipse and feel the powerful energies that were available to us on that early morning!

Looking up into the clear night sky made me really think about how powerful this time was. I believe that the last lunar eclipse that we had like that was 374 (or so) years ago. That really had me thinking. . .

Did I back 374 years ago witness the very same eclipse in another incarnation? Who was I then? What was I thinking? Did I even witness it? Those thoughts (among others) ran through my head. I thought also about how majestic the Universe really is and how we are all infinitely part of it ALL!!

Later on, (after a huge nap) I woke up and did a powerful meditation that was provided by The Children of The Sun. Words cannot express the profound love and gratitude I had for that meditation. It was exactly what I have been needing, wanting and waiting for!! I had tears in my eyes. Words cannot describe the gift that was given to all of us on the Winter Solstice. We were attuned to do our work. We were attuned to work in love to create a beautiful, harmonious life for ALL on Mother Earth.

The Gateway to Oneness is now full swing WIDE OPEN! It is up to us to walk through this gateway with love and willingness in our hearts to create a consciousness world centered in One.

1 comment:

  1. I was so sick and throwing up i missed it. Love and light to you my Goddess friend.
