Monday, December 13, 2010

A New Monday!!

Happy Monday!! It is a new week. I have a full plate but even though I have a lot to do, I am taking the time for some F-U-N!!

I have a huge cup of coffee and I am ready to go!! (even though my favorite coffee cup as a nice little chip on it now . . . UGH! I am still smiling!! Coffee will do that . . . coffee and a determined attitude!!)

I had an interesting sleep last night. Very restless . . . I wonder why? There is a lot going on in the ethers and I wonder how that is physically affecting me. Sometimes it can feel like I need massive amounts of grounding energy. Where I am flying? Not too long ago I was dreaming about teaching a seminar on the Moon Cycles of a woman. The interesting thing is that there were men in my audience and I was telling them how they are connected to this as well. . . hmmm . . . something to look at there I believe. I guess my soul is all over the galaxy! LOL

It makes me think of the complexity of our souls. They are much more than what we think them to be. There are levels in our soul that reach into infinity and beyond! Just thinking about them ranks up there with the most mind-boggling theories in Quantum Physics. I am learning a lot about my soul through my High Self.
Speaking of High Self . . . do you realize the information that is available to you through your High Self? It’s Infinite . . . the Grand Cahoona of you. Right up there with your I AM Presence . . .
So today I completing my Christmas card list. I did my Yule/Winter Solstice list . . . Completed with the last mailed out this morning!! GO ME!!

Now, I have a Christmas list to do . . . wow . . . I hope people appreciate cards as much as I do. I have cards from forever . . . I always have fun reading them when we take out our decorations. But you know . . . after awhile, I guess I am going to have to recycle some of them. The hardest are going to be pictures of people. You know those picture cards? I have some that I don’t even talk to anymore. It makes me feel guilty to throw their cards away though. . . it’s been literally years since we’ve spoken to most of these people . . . nothing like a fresh batch of guilt to keep you stagnant!! LOL That is why I will NOT send out those kind of cards. I don’t want people holding onto a picture of me and my family wondering what in the hell they should do with it. No one needs that sort of pressure.

I just spilt coffee on my sweatshirt . . . dammit!!

Still . . . I KNOW it’s gonna be a fabulous Monday!! So here’s to an amazingly incredible week for all of us!!

Love, Love, LOVE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I keep Christmas cards and swear I am going to use them in scrapbooks, still need to do that.
