Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rest . . . and a New Computer!!

Wow! I cannot believe that we are already well into December!!

Time has really gone fast for me and yet I look back at this year and things that have happened in my life seem so very far away . . . a very distant past. I wonder why that is?

Could time as we know it really be shifting and changing? Will our concept of time have to be redefined? Are we as a whole in humanity starting to realize that time is immeasurable? Hmmm . . . I wonder what would happen if the vast majority of the human race started to understand the way that time works. Do you think it could change the way we actually "felt" time? I wonder . . .

And speaking of time . . . I have decided that it was time to for to take a Spiritual/Holiday Hiatus. It is time for me to just BE. I love my clients and I love to serve. However, when I feel like life is starting to become too inconvenient, it is time for me to slow down and take some time off.

I plan on taking this time into the next year as my time. I will bake (if I want to) and I will read (I know that I will want to!). I will do what I have been putting off for myself. I am very excited about this! I feel that it is very important to have some "Me Time" so that I can always be 100% for my family, friends and clients.

I want to write . . . I don't know what yet, but I know that it is coming. I am ready to be inspired!!!

I bought a new laptop! I know it was a splurge, but I had an older one for a very long time. And to be quite honest, I deserve it. How about saying that in your life without feeling guilty? Like eating an ice cream sundae . . . I deserve it . . . MMMmmmm . . . MMMM!!! Sometimes you gotta be self caring you know?

Self caring is NOT being selfish. I believe in myself enough to know when I have gone from Self-Caring to Selfish. And who defines these two anyway? I would like to believe that it is an individual choice. So . . . I choose Self-Caring!! (huge smile here)

So may my new lap top inspire me to write and create GREAT things . . . I am blessing it right now to do so!!

I am resting . . . and it FEELS GOOD!!


  1. I LOVE this post! So many of my friends don't take enough time for themselves. I wish more people could realize that if you take care of yourself you take BETTER care of the people you love. Self indulgence has gotten such a bad wrap in our society! I say bring on the spoiling! It doesn't always have to be an expensive splurge. A bubble bath, glass of wine, going to bed an hour early with a good book, buying that gourmet cheese, etc. It makes a difference!

  2. LOL!! I totally did not even take that rest. Now I am ready ... Love to you!
