Monday, November 15, 2010

Activism! Activism!!

All around me lately I have been viewing this and that about our current social issues . . . whether it be the state of our financial system . . . educational system . . . civil rights for all . . . healthcare . . . the list is endless!

I have been SO heated!!!

I know that this may come as a surprise to most of you (I'm sure not really!) but even as I work and I mean WORK towards my spiritual goals and journey on my path, there are just some things that REALLY make me seriously MAD!!!

No, there are some issues I just can't "OM" out no matter how hard I try. (sigh . . . and I have tried)

I see the bigger picture. . . I see that I have just as much responsibility to this situation as the next person. I see that my consciousness has generated more energy towards these issues. . . and I KNOW better!!! But still . . . I feel the way I feel and that is that!!

So I find myself watching Michael Moore movies even though I have heard such controversy for both sides regarding his documentaries. But I want to judge for myself what is worth viewing and what isn't. To me, he really does present a good case (not just his voice overlapped with pictures of propaganda). He has actual people talking about their experiences . . . sharing their stories . . . their heartache and pain . . .

And then there are movies like Zeitgeist that REALLY get me moving . . . (towards what I am still debating over) but it has gotten me to THINK . . . and that is good!!

There is such a duality to me these days. I get on the one hand that spiritually, this incarnation (for me) is about my place in the world with how I view relationships . . . how I interact with them . . . how I interact with myself even . . . I see my responsibility for the world in which I create. I see how I manifest this matrix and how I contribute to it and even "feed" at times those things which I resist the most.

I have felt the countless hours of self reflection and analysis and the incredible work that it has done for me and how I have transcended to a level is consciousness that makes it hard for me to ignore my "issues". I know now that when I have a problem with someone or if someone "offends me", the truest of offense is something that I hold inside of me . . . I get it. It's roll up your sleeves . . . neck deep work . . . really I get it!!

However . . . and I DO mean however . . . I am also starting to see that I just can't ignore somethings. I just can't say, "Oh once that huge shift happens . . . everyone will hopefully see." Don't get me wrong . . . in my heart of hearts I do want this . . . SO VERY MUCH. I want everyone (including myself) to really wake up and see everyone as themselves. To view the entire world as true reflections. I DO see a world where LOVE is present and we are awakened to living in peace and harmony. But . . .

I do feel and believe more and more that there are somethings that we must do to get there. We must stand up and say "Enough!!!". Enough with the "me verses you" mentality. Enough with the "what's in it for me?" or the "how much money can I make off of this?". Enough with it ALL!!! Otherwise, we are no better off than just waiting for that "Messiah" to come from the sky and save us. To me, there is a huge abject of responsibility in that mode and way of thinking.

I have this activism in me that is so fired up!!!! I feel like I am just running in place just waiting for the truest direction to go towards . . . in peace. Here's the thing . . . activism with a peace and highest good for all mentality is where I am headed. To me it's not the "take the big man down". Although there are times when I must admit I do get heated up enough to feel that way . . . then I calm down and know better.

It's not about revolution in violence . . . it's about revolution in peace. It's doing away with a belief system that doesn't work . . . not the people. . . the belief system!!

So I ask myself . . . (I have been asking aloud a lot lately) "How is this done??!! What do I need to do?" I feel that if a question is asked long and hard enough . . . and I wait . . . patiently . . . the solution will present itself. 

I am waiting . . . I KNOW the solution is coming because I can feel it!!

One Ascension is changing as well. The message truly is becoming a movement . . . it always has been, I am finally ready to embrace this now. . .

I hope that you will join me . . . in peace!!!

My love and honor to you!!!

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