Friday, November 5, 2010

Sweeping and My Thoughts. . .

Happy Friday!! Woot-Woot!!! This is MY day of the week. I love Fridays the most because it is the anticipated day where you can stay up late and have fun knowing that you can sleep in tomorrow if you want to (at least in my family). :)

So here I am this morning sweeping the floors. Yeah . . . I wish I could say that I was doing something more impressive like . . . meditating by my trees or in some sort of zen like-posture "Om-ing" to the beat of my heart. . . no, I was sweeping. And I was sort of having a conversation with myself. Okay . . . I was HAVING a conversation with myself.

I was thinking about how there is this fun thing going around Facebook where you have to answer 100 truths about yourself. Now some of these answers are redundant and sort of silly (that's the fun of it I guess), but there was one question that I would like to re-answer . . . re-do . . .

It asks if you could go back to a moment in your life and relive . . . what would it be? I thought I had the answer . . . My Wedding Day. I love that moment . . . but then there were others like . . . the birth of my children.

My son was born at 28 weeks and I would have liked to have the perspective that I have now. It was a scary yet sacred time in my life. I had pre-term labor with all of my kiddos. I could easily get pregnant . . . geez . . . (I just had to wash my underwear with my husbands and it seemed like that could do it!!) But as soon as I would get to that 3rd trimester . . . my uterus would say, "Okay, we're done . . . time to birth this baby!!" UGH!!

But then I thought about how my children have been molded as I have by society. I thought about the very first time I sent my daugther, the oldest to school. I thought about how I cried and cried driving away and how she cried. I thought about her now as a beautiful 16 year old . . . feisty and gorgeous more than she knows . . . I thought about her friends over the years and the stories she would come home with that would blow my mind. The way teachers would treat her or the witnessing she did in the way other students were treated.

If I had to do revisit a time in my life I would go to the time when I considered homeschooling my kids. I would really consider homeschooling. I know that so many people have such strong beliefs about this . . . one way or the other. However, as a mother who has had her children in many different schools . . . I see how much we are lacking in the educational system. I see how my children are being molded to be "conformers" to a degree. I encourage them to be strong thinkers for themselves and to stand up and say something when they don't agree with what is going on around them.

However . . . in the school system, it is so political. Once your kiddo shows such behavior it is like you are forever branded with a scarlet letter.

There is so much pressure and conditioning going on in this world. It seems like it is starting earlier and earlier . . . What do we do? . . . How do we change it?

It amazes me what thoughts come to my head as I sweep. . .


  1. I find this post speaking to me. My husband and I have been discussing homeschooling my son, he will start school next year.
    I think you helped me make up my mind.
    So you weren't having a conversation with your self, you were speaking to me ;)

  2. Oh I am so glad!!! Yes, it really is a HUGE decision!!
