Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sitting in such Gratitude

I am sitting her beginning my newsletter for One Ascension. As I am, I feel such gratitude for the time and space that we are in. My love and hope for humanity is just soaring!!!

There is one thing that I feel and that is just an empowered feeling of belief. I believe that the world is shifting so fast . . . so rapidly you can feel one thing one day and wake up and feel something so entirely different!!

I no longer allow the words "flighty or  fickle" into my thought process because we are all changing so fast. Instead I resonate with the word "movement". We are journeying so quickly . . . or energies are moving at such a fast pace, there is no longer room to be stagnant . . . nor can you really.

There is a saying that in your life . . . as you grow . . .  you will constantly contradict yourself. I can see why for me, that statement is so true. For me now more than ever . . . I see how I am changing in thought patterns, beliefs and overall release or embracing thoughts, ideas, people, places, etc. Somethings really are happening overnight!!

What is the most important thing to me right now in my evolution as a woman? .  . . And the responsibility that is mine in this world? What is my part . . . my role?

How can I connect with people and share who I am?  How can I . . . Melanie . . . make a difference?

Here is a video that has inspired me greatly. It is by a teacher, healer and visionary (to attach a few labels to him) named Drunvalo Melchizedek.  What a gift he is:

My heart is full . . . it's almost lunch-time . . . and my stomach wants the same feeling too!! : )

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