Monday, November 1, 2010

Muchos Gracias!!!

Today is almost over and what a day it was . . .

Okay, I am openly admitting that I allowed all of my kiddos to stay home today from school. (this doesn't come as a shock to some of my friends as they know I am known to do this from time to time) It just didn't seem like it was a school day.

How can you have a school day after Halloween? With all of the kids overloaded on candy . . . it's just not wise.

But hey . . . I did take my two youngest to the library to check out more anime books!! (I totally scored some "AWESOME Mommy" points I believe.)  Oh and while I am tooting my own horn, let me tell you that I woke up with my darling husband at 3 am to make coffee and my awesome breakfast sandwiches to go!! I felt so June Cleaver . . . (waving at the door as husband drives off to Dallas . . . no kidding . . . really!!!)

I don't know about any of you, but my energy levels have been up and down. I see it as a fluctuation of energy levels being introduced into our energetic systems.

What does that mean???!

It means more ascension!! Woop-woop!!! It means that we are really going to have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Are you ready??

Maybe I can do some of this work in my sleep? I'll ask my "peeps". Hey . . . it doesn't hurt to ask. You never know . . . you just might get a YES!!

But for now . . . my bed sounds really good. It's 11 pm. Thank you for my bed  . . . thank you for the energy to get up at 3 am and the energy to get through the day!! Muchos Gracias!!!

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