Monday, November 1, 2010

My Samhain

Happy November 1st! Yesterday being Samhain, I thought that I would dedicate myself to a year and a day of studying specific areas that are of  interest to me . . . one of those being witchcraft.

I have studied for over two years now, but I still feel that there are some gaps. I had signed up at the beginning of this year for Seasons In Avalon. I am behind on three lessons!! Life catches up with me and I find myself also getting bored easily . . . maybe that's just the Gemini in me. :)

 I am really ready to do something different . . . and push the limits you know?

I love, love, LOVE all of the work that I am doing in my practice/business. I believe that this part of my spirituality though private, will really enhance my work.

What I really love about metaphysics is that there is so much to learn! This is really good once again for my Gemini side as it's important for my mind to be constantly stimulated. I would think that as I have gotten older that this would improve . . . no.

Oh well . . . I don't really mind this aspect of myself. There are so many other things that I can work on. And the wonderful thing about my thirst for always learning, etc. is that I really learn a lot. Beware the jack of all trades . . . the master of none!! LOL!!!

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