Friday, October 29, 2010

One Day Before Samhain

Here it is midnight . . . I just started this blog. I am so new to all of this . . . wordpress, blogger . . . and all of this icons I have zero idea what they mean. 

I would see this orange square with a "B" inside and think to myself, "What the heck does that do?" Afraid to click it as my computer really abhors such acts of  spontaneity and repays me by freezing and locking up, I decide to ignore such icons. 

Well the day came when I clicked on it and decided to see what this was as my curiosity got the best of me . . . and here I am writing this blog! :)

I used the name "One Ascension" after my practice as to let people know about this as well and the different views that I share there. However, in thinking about that, I also wanted something "informal" and a place to voice my journey as well. 

Even though I may teach concepts, instruction on how to change your life, go through conscious ascension work . . . I too am on this journey. It is never ending!!

So why not a blog about this? Why not let people see a glimpse behind "the scenes"? It is so important to me to inspire people and aid in awakening by also voicing my journey . . . my ascension. 

So here I am a little after midnight . . . eyes tired and intending that this will make sense somehow to all those who read it. 

Samhaim (Sow-in) is coming up soon. This will be my second year of observing it. Oh yes . . . did I mention that I am a witch? Yes. I am. I do not really associate too much with labels, but this one . . . this one I do take on because the word to me is so very empowering. It holds an ancient power and connection that seems to be linked to my soul. 

Not only do I practice witchcraft, I also heal, empower and love with my whole heart. I see myself in others. I see my fears reflected in someones story. So I realized not too long ago when I was inspired to name my movement of "One Ascension" that it was really about one's ascension . . .  MY ascension.

So here it goes . . . where it stops nobody knows!! :)

Wishing all of you a peaceful slumber as I too retire for the night.

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