Saturday, February 11, 2012

Physical Symptoms . . . Feelin’ It!

hot tea

You know that saying, “Mommies get NO sick days”? Well, raising four kiddos, this really was a mantra of mine and so my body adapted by having a very powerful immune system. It is a very rare occasion that I will get sick. I am talking years here people . . . years!!!

So this last week, not only did a get sick, it lasted a FULL WEEK! And . . . I still have a little bit of symptoms that are working their way out of my system. Still drinking LOTS of tea!!

Why blog about this? Because when you are aware . . . nothing is coincidence.

When I was going through my “cold”, I had a lot of old emotions and thought patterns come up for me that I was more than sure I had dealt with. I healed and cleared certain things out of my life that I knew were impeding my spiritual growth. Or so I thought . . .

With nothing to do, (well, I had lots to do, but literally was too sick to do any of it) and no where to go (because I literally had to stay in bed), certain beliefs of ego would come up and give me a “knee-jerk” reaction . . . I would then (thankfully) step back and notice what was coming up for me and I “why” I was prompted to respond in certain ways. It was interesting just being “witness” to it all. It was like I was the “sacred observer” to my ego and human conditioning. A situation would come up for me, I would feel the “old response to it”, and then suddenly, I would be looking at the situation from more of an observer angle. It was quite the ascension work!

 I’d like to say that I am “beyond” all of it now, but I believe that is in itself my “ego” to think so.

I believe that as long as I have a body,  a human body . . . I will feel certain things. It is part of the process!

We have these bodies to relate . . . to “know” what it is like to “BE” . . . and “FEEL” human.

All of it, bodies, mind and spirit are part of the ascension!!

So when things may come up, I believe that it is important to be “gentle” with yourself and not have too much judgment why you may feel or respond in a manner to certain things that you believed you were over!

The good news is, the more we give love and compassion to ourselves in these moments . . . the clearer our patterns can become.

It is a journey . . . one that cannot be rushed . . . And really, why would we want to?

The journey is where the action is. Once you reach the destination, you are already looking for the next journey!

May we all have clarity in such moments!!

Love, Love, LOVE!!!


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