We have had 6 snow days so far! The kiddos had two days off this week from school. They were overjoyed to say the least. It was like a continual weekend from the last snow day we had. I think that they are now spoiled and believe the new school week should consist of two days or less . . .
I have been thinking about the direction of my life lately. A lot has been going through my mind. I have been visiting some things in the past that needed attention. It’s always nice to free yourself of unresolved issues of the past. The snow days really helped with this, because I was able to really sit, be at home and think (when the kiddos were busy doing their own thing). I feel clearer now.
. . . The sun is getting warmer here and is melting that snow away . . . very symbolic and absolutely perfect!
It’s Friday!! Friday is my favorite day of the week!!! Fridays give me that wonderful in your heart feeling that today is a day where you get to play and not have to worry about getting up early!! The feeling of FUN is in the air! My kiddos called them “Fun Fridays” when they were little.
You know there is a saying that “Most people are as happy as they choose to be”. I believe that to be true. We can either choose to be fully of joy and gratitude . . . or not. The decision is entirely ours to make. I am seeing that the more I make up my mind to be happy, the better I get at it. Some days can be a challenge . . . I will say that, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t find happiness even in those days. Some times just going to bed early to just be done with a day can give you the happiness that you are looking for. Whatever the case . . . happiness is something to actively search out and look for.
What do you make up your mind to feel/be?
Happy Friday!!!
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